Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us!

At Vakantiekids Hengelo we take the protection of your personal data seriously. We only collect the data that is necessary for organizing our activities and ensure that it is stored securely.

We never share your data with third parties without your permission, unless this is required by law. You always have the right to view, correct or delete your data.

For more information about how we handle your personal data and your rights under the GDPR, you can read our full privacy statement below on our website.

This version was last updated on September 8, 2024.

Privacy Policy of Vakantiekids Hengelo

At Vakantiekids Hengelo we value your privacy! We ensure that your personal data is treated safely and confidentially. In this privacy policy we explain what data we collect, how we use it and what rights you have.

What is personal data?

Personal data is data that contains information about a person or that can be linked to a person. Examples of personal data are names, addresses and e-mail addresses.

Whose data do we have?

We collect personal data from people who have (had) direct or indirect contact with us. These include:

  • Volunteers;
  • Visitors and/or parents/legal representatives;
  • Persons associated with a company or organization with which we have (had) a business relationship or wish to have one in the future;
  • People who show interest in Vakantiekids Hengelo and have therefore sent us a message via the website or Facebook.

How do we obtain this data?

  • From yourself, for example when registering, by telephone or via the contact form on the website;
  • Via social media;
  • Through Wijkracht Volunteer Work

What personal data do we process?

Information about who you are This includes your name, address, telephone number, email address and your position or authority within a company or organization.

Data that says something about the use of our website & social media channels. This includes IP addresses, cookies, device data and comments or messages that you leave on our social media channels.

What do we use your personal data for and on what basis?

Your personal data will be used for the volunteer administration, information provision and invitations to meetings. When you become a volunteer at Vakantiekids Hengelo, your personal data will be used for an application for a Certificate of Conduct at Justis (part of the Ministry of Justice).

We also use the received data from Wijkracht Vrijwilligerswerk for correspondence about possible new volunteers. Finally, we use obtained personal data from suppliers, sponsors, etc. for contact about their contribution to our event.

We almost always use your consent as a basis. Sometimes there may also be a legal obligation, execution of an agreement (appointment) or we have a legitimate interest.

How long do we retain your personal data?

Vakantiekids Hengelo does not store your personal data longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was provided or as required by law. Upon termination of the volunteer work, the personal data will remain stored in our system for 5 years. After that, only the name, date of birth, email address and the number of years of volunteer work will be stored. We do this in order to be able to send invitations for a reunion, for example, or to be able to register you as a volunteer again if necessary. If the contact with you does not lead to volunteer work or any other collaboration with Vakantiekids Hengelo, your personal data will be deleted by us within one year.

Who do we share your personal data with?

Your personal data is only visible to the board members of Vakantiekids Hengelo. Your data is shared with Justis (part of the Ministry of Justice) for the application of a Certificate of Conduct if you register as a volunteer. Your data is not shared with other third parties before you have been informed by us and we have your permission to do so.

How do we handle your personal data?

We believe it is important to handle your personal data with care. We ensure good and up-to-date security of our systems, such as a secure internet connection and anti-virus software on our systems. Our board members are informed and aware that they must handle personal data in a confidential manner.

What rights do you have with regard to your personal data?

Under the GDPR you have various rights with regard to your personal data:

Right to access and rectifyYou have the right to ask us whether we process personal data about you. If so, you also have the right to an overview of all personal data that we process about you. If this data is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to have it changed or supplemented. We may ask you to further clarify your request for access or rectification.

Right to restriction and deletionYou have the right to ask us to restrict or delete the personal data we have about you, insofar as we are not legally obliged to have this data or need it for the performance of an agreement with you. When assessing the request for restriction or deletion, your interest takes precedence over our interest in processing certain data.

Right to data portabilityYou have the right to request a structured and usable overview of the personal data we have about you. You also have the right to have this overview transferred by us to another party. We will only transfer the overview directly to another party if this is technically possible. If it is unclear to us whether we can transfer data safely and to the right person, we may ask you to come to our office yourself for the transfer.

Right to objectWe process certain personal data because we have a legitimate interest in doing so. We store data if you show interest in our services, for example by filling in the contact form on our website. You have the right to object to this. We will then re-evaluate whether we may store or process this personal data for this purpose. We will inform you of our decision and motivation. If your interest outweighs ours, we will stop processing.

Photo and film recordings

At our events, photos and videos are taken for promotional purposes, including social media, flyers and our website. By entering the premises, you consent to the taking of photos and videos of your child. We ensure that these images are taken with care and do not contain harmful or offensive content (such as photos in swimwear or inappropriate poses).

We value your and your child's privacy. If you have any questions or comments about the material created, please let us know. You can make complaints known to us in writing or verbally. For more information about how we handle your data, we refer you to our privacy policy.

Contact Us

Do you have any questions after reading this privacy statement, do you wish to exercise your rights or do you have a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data or our decision regarding your request?

Send an email to

In all cases, we will inform you of the status within 6 weeks. If we cannot reach an agreement, you can file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

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